..scroll down for english..
Saleh Husein (artist & musician),
Ika Vantiani (artist & writer)
High-school students in Jakarta
Online & limited (
http://rurukids.ruangrupa.org <-underconstruction..)
Date: Minggu / Sunday, 09 January 2011 (09.00 - 15.00)
Venue: Galeri Nasional Indonesia
rurukids adalah divisi di ruangrupa yang fokus pada pengembangan bentuk-bentuk seni rupa kontemporer bagi kalangan remaja dan pelajar. rurukids menciptakan ruang bagi remaja sekolah untuk bermain, belajar, berekspresi, bereksperimen, bereksplorasi dan berkarya. Dengan melibatkan anak-anak dan remaja pelajar sekolah ke dalam bentuk kegiatan seni, rurukids mengantar mereka berpikir kritis dan kreatif serta memperluas potensi pengembangan diri.
Dalam kesempatan ini rurukids mengajak siswa SMA di Jakarta untuk terlibat dalam
lokakarya kolase dengan tema Relationship.
rurukids is a division in ruangrupa focusing on the development of contemporary art forms targeting the audience group of teenagers and students. rurukids creates a space in which teenagers are given the room to play, study, express themselves, experiment, explore and create. By involving children and school-age teenagers in art activities, rurukids introduce them to critical and creative thinking and further expanding their potential for self-development in the process.
In this opportunity, rurukids invites high-school students in Jakarta to be involved in collage workshop entitled Relationship.