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ruangrupa 10th Anniversary Book: INITIATIVE

Penyusun / Board of Editors:
  • Ade Darmawan (Jakarta), director and founder of ruangrupa.
  • Ugeng T. Moetidjo (Jakarta), coordinator for Research and Development (ruangrupa).
  • Ardi Yunanto (Jakarta), chief editor karbonjournal.org.
  • Arief Ash Shiddiq (Jakarta), arts and culture freelancer.
  • Thomas Berghuis (Australia), curator, lecturer, and sinolog (Chinese studies).

  • Penulis / Writers:
  • Aaron Seto (Sydney), art critic and curator.
  • Abidin Kusno (Toronto), writer, associate professor in Columbia University.
  • Afra Suci Ramadhan (Jakarta), editor Change Magazine, writer on gender issues.
  • Agung Hujatnikajenong (Bandung), curator and lecturer in Institute Technology of Bandung.
  • Agung Kurniawan (Yoyakarta), artist and founder of Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta.
  • Charles Esche (Amsterdam), curator and art critic, director of Van Abbemuseum, Netherlands.
  • Farah Wardani (Yogyakarta), writer and curator, executive director of Indonesian Visual Art Archive.
  • Yoshi Fajar Kresno Murti (Yogyakarta), coordinator for Research and Development in Indonesian Visual Art Archive.
  • Franky Budi Hardiman (Jakarta), philosophy lecturer in Driyarkara and Universitas Pelita Harapan.
  • Fumihiko Sumitomo (Tokyo), art critic and curator.
  • Gridthiya Gaweewong (Bangkok), artistic director at Jim Thompson Art Center, Bangkok and curator.
  • Hafiz (Jakarta), artist, director of OK. Video Festival.
  • Heejin Kim (Seoul), director of Art Space Pool in Seoul, Korea.
  • Hikmat Budiman (Jakarta), founder and senior researcher at Interseksi Foundation.
  • Hilmar Farid (Jakarta), social activist, lecturer, historian, founder of Institute of Indonesian Social History.
  • Ibe Karyanto (Jakarta), founder of Sanggar Akar and writer.
  • Jagath Weerasanghe* (Kolombo), professor of archeology, writer, art and cultural worker.
  • Jemi Irwansyah (Jakarta), lecturer at University of Indonesia and activist.
  • JJ Rizal (Jakarta), historian and director of Komunitas Bambu publishing.
  • Lisabona Rahman (Jakarta), program manager Kineforum and co-editor of www.filmindonesia.or.id.
  • Mirwan Andan (Jakarta) works in Research and Development Division (ruangrupa).
  • Moelyono (Tulungagung), consultant for independent pilot project program Early Childhood Care for Development, Holistik.
  • Mohammed Kazem (Dubai), curator and artist.
  • Nuraini Juliatuti (Yogyakarta), founder and researcher at KUNCI Cultural Studies Center.
  • Patrick D Flores (Manila), professor on history, art critic and theories at The University of the Philippines (UP).
  • Shuddhabrata Sengupta* (New Delhi), artist and member of the Raqs Media Collective, initiator and member of editorial collective of Sarai Reader series.

  • Narasumber / Sources:
  • Wendy Putranto (Jakarta), editor for music magazine Rolling Stones Indonesia and The Upstairs' band manager.
  • Indra Ameng (Jakarta), artist, White Shoes & The Couples Company's band manager.
  • Dendi Darman (Bandung), founder of 347/EAT, a pioneer of distribution outlet in Bandung.
  • Tisna Sanjaya (Bandung), artist and lecturer at Institute Technology of Bandung.
  • FX Harsono (Jakarta), artist and lecturer at Jakarta Art Institute and Universitas Pelita Harapan.
  • Yustoni Volunteero (Yogyakarta), artist, founding member of Taring Padi.
  • Reza "Asung" Afisina (Jakarta), artist and coordinator for Artlab (ruangrupa).
  • Tintin Wulia (Jakarta), artist.

  • *To be confirmed
    Date: Selasa / Tuesday, 28 December 2010 (19.30)
    Venue: Galeri Nasional Indonesia
    Setelah lebih dari sepuluh tahun berakhirnya Orde Baru, telah begitu banyak fenomena dan permasalahan yang terjadi dalam ranah ruang kota, sosial, budaya, dan politik di Indonesia yang perlu dikaji kembali. Melalui penerbitan buku ini, ruangrupa membahas sejumlah permasalahan, pemikiran dan gagasan yang selama ini menjadi perhatian dan wilayah kerjanya, bersama sejumlah individu dan organisasi lain. Berisi lebih dari 30 esai dan wawancara, buku ini ditulis oleh para penulis dan narasumber dari dalam dan luar Indonesia. Mereka adalah para seniman, praktisi, aktivis, sejarawan, peneliti, kritikus, maupun akademisi. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi tinjauan kritis dalam melihat kembali permasalahan ruang kota, sosial, budaya dan politik yang sejak lebih dari satu dekade ini harus dikaji dan disikapi.

    Diterbitkan dalam dua bahasa, Indonesia dan Inggris, dalam dua buku terpisah. Buku versi bahasa Indonesia akan diterbitkan pada acara 10 Tahun ruangrupa dan setelah itu bisa didapatkan di berbagai toko buku di kota Anda.

    Dengan pengantar oleh: Thomas Berghuis dan Charles Esche.
    Penyunting: Ardi Yunanto, Thomas Berghuis, dan Arief Ash Shiddiq.
    After more than ten years the New Order regime met its end, there have been numerous phenomena and problems emerged in Indonesian urban, social, cultural and political realms, begging to be reevaluated. Ruangrupa explores a number of problems, thoughts, and ideas that have been the focus and domain of ruangrupa, together with other individuals and organizations. Containing more than 30 essays and interviews, the book was collectively composed of writers and sources from Indonesia and international. They consist of artists, practitioners, activists, historians, researchers, critics, and academics. The book is hoped to be a critical assessment towards the review of urban, social, cultural, and political issues that has to be examined after more than one decade.

    Published bilingually in both Indonesian and English, the publication will be composed of two separate volumes. The Indonesian version will be issued in the 10 Years of ruangrupa celebration event, and would be available in the nearest bookstore in your area shortly after.

    With Introduction by: Thomas Berghuis and Charles Esche.
    Editors: Ardi Yunanto, Thomas Berghuis, and Arief Ash Shiddiq.